National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) – Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022
President Allie Hall & Parker Anderson representing AISDC
Watch their presentation on Facebook:
AISES Region 7 – Southeast – AL, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV
The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) was founded in 1977 and the membership is currently close to 6,000. AISES supports 230 affiliated pre-college schools, 196 chartered college and university chapters, 3 tribal chapters, and 18 professional chapters in the U.S. and Canada. They promote the highest standards of education and professional excellence to widen the STEM workforce and grow sector support while highlighting the geographic, economic, and social aspects of STEM education and careers. Region 7 @ National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) in Washington, DC.